The pace quickens.

We have 60 days left before we board that flight to France to begin our grand adventure. The days are going by so fast now that it feels like we are on one of those moving walkways at the airport and somebody sped it waaaay up. Things are going by in a blur.

Some big things recently have been checked off our seemingly never-ending list of things to do before we move:

  • Sell both cars (and to buyers who can wait a while for them)
  • Schedule movers
  • Obtain our French visas
  • Sell our house

That last one is a really a biggie, obviously. We were planning to list our house next month, hoping it would sell quickly. Turns out it sold before we were even ready to list it. We were approached by buyers who made an attractive offer that we couldn’t refuse, so now we are in escrow. What a relief not to have to worry about that anymore. We signed the papers for the sale today, and it was bittersweet. I love this house so much and it will be hard to leave it.

Who wouldn’t miss that view?

Meanwhile, the purging continues. It’s of course quite painful but cathartic to go through all your worldly possessions and toss a good portion of them out. Or donate them. Or take them to a consignment shop. Or give them away. Just having to make the decision about how to part with these things is exhausting. Decisions are made a tad bit easier when you hold an item and think, “is this important enough to send in a shipping container to France?” I’m trying to channel Marie Kondo and focus on whether an item sparks joy. Yesterday we took out a favorite plant, a huge succulent, to take to a friend, and before we left with it I quietly thanked it for giving me joy for many years.

Goodbye, spiral aloe plant.

Recently I’ve become hyper-aware of things we are going to say goodbye to when we leave the US. Some things won’t be missed. But many things will be hard to leave behind. I know there is a whole new world waiting for us in France, many wonderful things that we don’t even know about yet, and we will enjoy the discovery process. In the meantime, I am starting to mourn the people and things we will leave here.

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